The first rain of the season.

They fell on a dry barren land, 

They soothed the hot weather, 

They cooled down the surroundings; 

The first rain of the season, brought back peace along with it. 

The crops grew again, 

The cool winds blew again, 

The roses bloomed again, 

The trees re-lived again; 

The first rain of the season, brought back life along with it. 

The umbrellas opened again, 

The paper boats floated on water again, 

The rain coats were taken out again, 

The children played football again; 

The first rain of the season, brought back cheer along with it. 

The old box of scrabble was opened again, 

The mad bunch of friends got the time to play truth and dare again,

The siblings shared the craziest jokes again, 

The love-birds shared the same umbrella again,

The first rain of the season, brought back love along with it.

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